BetterBugs +


Get all event logs and error stack traces from Sentry within your bug report.


Using BetterBugs, you can automatically get all the Sentry event logs (both frontend and backend) with timestamps from the connected Sentry project, directly within your bug report. You don’t have to log into your Sentry project to check event logs whenever something goes wrong. Once you’ve authorized and connected BetterBugs for the Sentry project, you can get all the event logs and error stack traces accessible within the bug report every time you capture a bug using BetterBugs.

Report bugs like a Pro

Steps to connect BetterBugs with Sentry:

Here’s how to connect BetterBugs with your Sentry project:

Step 1: Log in to your BetterBugs account.
Step 2: Select a project within BetterBugs to connect with Sentry.

Step 3: Go to “Project Settings” and open the “Integrations”tab.

Step 4: Hit “Connect” under the Sentry option.

Step 5: Click “Accept & Install” on the authentication page.

You’ve successfully connected your BetterBugs project with Sentry. When you capture an issue using Betterbugs, click the “Back-end” tab under the developer tools and select the connected Sentry project from the left-side dropdown under “Projects”. This gives you all events logs and error stack traces from Sentry.

You can add other details to your bug report and hit the “Upload Bug” button for creating a bug report. Share the complete bug report (along with auto-attached Sentry logs) with others using the reportlink.

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