JavaScript Obfuscator

The JavaScript Obfuscator is a free online tool on It converts your JS code into a format that’s hard for humans to read or understand, making it extremely difficult to tamper with while still remaining executable by computers without issues.

JavaScript Input:


Obfuscated Output:


What is the JavaScript Obfuscator?

The JavaScript Obfuscator is a free online tool available on that converts JavaScript code into a format that's hard for humans to read and understand but still functions correctly for computers.

You can use the JS obfuscator to protect your JavaScript code from being easily copied, understood, or tampered with, enhancing security and safeguarding intellectual property. It does this by performing several transformations on your original code, such as renaming variables and functions with meaningless names, removing whitespace and comments, and using complex expressions. This makes the code look like gibberish to anyone trying to read it, while still remaining fully executable by computers without any errors.

Using the JavaScript Obfuscator

Here are the steps for using it.

Step 1:Add JavaScript Code or Upload the JS File:You can:
  • Copy and paste your JavaScript code into the “JavaScript Input” box.
  • Or, you can upload a JavaScript(.js) file from your device with the “Upload JavaScript File” button.
Step 2:Getting the Output:Click the “Obfuscate” button to get the obfuscated code in the “Obfuscated Output” box.
Step 3:Using the Code:Download the output in a .js file format with the “Download Obfuscated File” button.
To clear everything, hit the “Clear” button.
What is Obfuscation and What It’s Used For

Obfuscation is a technique used in programming to deliberately make code difficult for humans to read and understand.

  • Software development teams often use this to protect their proprietary code, which helps safeguard intellectual property, improve security, and prevent reverse engineering. However, the obfuscated code remains fully functional and executable by computers.
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